Friday, August 24, 2007

The curiosity of a child

I've just seen one of the most beautiful movie web sites in a long time! Set for a December release, the film is actually the first in a trilogy, and is being produced by New Line, much like they produced The Lord of the Rings.

It's called The Golden Compass. The site itself is loaded with neat stuff. No doubt, the "Comic Con Preview" link (on home page) is much better than the 'official trailer', at giving a peak as to what the movie's all about.

The site also allows a visitor to determine their "daemon" -- a person's animal soul, a talking animal spirit -- by answering a brief questionnaire. Mine is Gabriel ... however, you can also invite your friends to determine whether or not the animal is correct. My lion could transform over the course of 12 days, depending on how my friends answer 4 or 5 questions.

The Alethiometer -- an instrument used to seek out truth also known as the golden compass -- is also a cool section.

Oh, and Daniel Craig is in it too. :))

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