Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sunday Swing

Upon discovering the "SwingJazzBlues" blog recently, perhaps today's the day for a little swing ... below are a couple of clips I found which may be a good backdrop as the weekend winds down and the week ahead is on the horizon....

From the sublime to the sublime: Jerry the genius (ok, Genius) in The Errand Boy (Count Basie's "Blues in Hoss Flat"), and The Ray Brown Trio with an absolutely incredible Gene Harris doing his own Summertime.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Danyele & Francesco

Should be a *great* time tonight ... :)

I like the above clip much better than the "official video" (a little creepy)

Friday, July 27, 2007

System Administrator Day

ok ... a heard from a little Ukranian birdy that today is System Administrator Day, the 8th annual one at that ...

I guess I agree with that ( song guy that ya, having you around means we get to stay stupid and uninformed ... but, it also increases the chances that we all learn a few new things along the way.

I'm amazed that it's only been around for 8 years. Think of how long we have had the printed word. There were probably System Administrators back in the day, no? So on that note, and in the spirit of the day, I present "the book" -- something I'm sure that Alex, Ilya and Dimitry have all seen, but it's worth a second look.

Thanks, guys ...

Sunday, July 22, 2007

And how did *you* sleep?

To those who know the details, some might suggest that the last 72 hours or so are a marketer's dream: the road to the FIFA final is plastered with condemnation and emails... which reminds me of that scene in Terry Gilliam's Brazil -- the one where DeNiro ("Tuttle" not "Buttle") in his final scene in the film ... uh, no, i won't go there; let's just say a LOT of paper was involved ... if you haven't seen the movie, rent/buy it ...

Anyway, the clips below are for those who had a really long Saturday that went well into the wee hours; for some, it was merely a case of Tarantino on CBC ... for others, it was trying to cope with an extraordinary amount of email that might, just might happen all over again today -- you know you who you are ...'s all good ...:)

Friday, July 20, 2007

FIFA days...

The last 24 hours have been a bit crazy, especially around the office. There's still fallout over the recent Argentina/Chile game, and the post game incident. Not to minimize what happened, but in the spirit of this weekend's final, why not take a look at Pippin.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Geez, it's hot ...

Ok, it's definitely a day for a cold one ...

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Hey You

It's a shame, but not so surprising, that the day after such a historically significant media, world event the American morning Sunday talk shows are more focussed on the ramifications of Scooter Libby's commuted sentence.

In any event:

So what can we do to start? Why not take the quiz to first find out your ecological footprint, by going to or Earth Lab's Live Impact score ... if you're in the design industry, visit -- a gorgeous and really informative site for facts and suggestions regarding what the graphic design/production industry can to do make their work and habits more sustainable and environmentally friendly ...