Monday, May 14, 2007

The struggle between art and commerce

Ok. This takes precedence over any 24-related posting.

I heard on the way home tonight that NBC has cancelled Aaron Sorkin's Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. It is a black day. NBC, in it's infinite wisdom, will, in part, supplement this loss with the continuing durge of reality shows like The Apprentice (eeeewwwwww!), Deal or No Deal, Survivor and add some new shows, including a remake of The Bionic Woman. (sigh). Yes, The Bionic Woman.

It is, indeed, a black day. So, here's my armband.

Yes, we are all being lobotimized. So, on this particular day, and for those who never saw Studio 60, below is a clip of the very first scene of the very first episode. Dialogue, written by Aaron Sorkin, that unfortunately seemed to forshadow what was to come. The irony .... the irony ...

"Scr*w the cheerleader, save Matt and Danny. Save Studio 60, Save the World."

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