Monday, April 2, 2007

The haze of it all...

Ok, tonight’s 24, set between 9 pm and 10 pm, had one of the great understatements yet:

Wayne Palmer (to the Doctor): “Can you give me a shot of adrenaline?” Uh, ya, DOH! And, while you’re at it, can you give the tv depiction of my White House a shot of adrenaline too? However, Lennox has definitely been a breath of fresh air … some big kuhuna’s on that guy!

But, enough with the traitors at CTU ... get it together guys ... how many mmmmmoles does it take to finally bring it down? And poor Chloe -- did she even have a line tonight?

Overall, a much tempered tone to the episode … (think back to season 1 when almost every episode, there were at least 3 or 4 OMGs? .. ok, the Gredenko arm thing was a little nasty ... and talk about 'salt in the wound', collapsing at the ocean's edge) ... but even the ending was kinda hazy ... Palmer after reasserting his presidency, launches a nuclear strike he *seemed* to not want to do all seemed so ... hazy ....

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